Thursday, 25 November 2010

A Swedish Love Story

Sorry for the fact that, as per usual, I have been a rubbish blogger who disappears for weeks on end every once in a while.
Well here I am again, with a nugget of both audio and visual goodness for you all.

I just can't stop watching and listening to this.

The band is summer camp, who I've probably mentioned before - they're a duo made up of Jeremy Warmsley (a man who personifies 'geek chic' and who also has plenty of awesome solo tunes) and Elizabeth Sankey. I saw them at Camp Bestival in the summer and it was lovely, I really like their sound, I've loved everything I've heard since their first single "Ghost Town", which is also worth a listen.

And this video... All the clips are taken from 'En Karlekshistoria', a Swedish film made in 1970. I'm captivated by it. The little girl is possibly one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. It's a bizarre sensation watching these kids smoking... I swear they all look about 11, but their tender age is part of the beauty of it in a way. After seeing this video I scoured the internet trying to find a way to watch the whole film with subtitles, but to no avail....

Basically this video is now one of my favourite things. 'Nuff said.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

my, how you've grown!!

little did they know.........

brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?
All grown up.

I'm absurdly excited.

So don your hats, grab your brooms and draw glasses and scars on your faces with eyeliner pencil - it's off to the cinema we go!!


ps. Although I'm not going to be able to see it until sunday or monday. Eeek, life is so cruel and unfair.

Sunday, 14 November 2010


I'm very much obsessed with The Cheek right now.

The main focal point of my obsession with this band is probably their lead singer Rory...
I am falling truly madly deeply in love with him.


But obviously it's all about the MUSIC, not just the image, so here's a song:

this video is a little clichéd in the sense that it is essentially shots of the band interspersed with those of horribly hung-over hipsters wandering around a house. But I'm sure it's ironic. Rory's dancing makes me happy. And it's a bangin CHOOOON.

All their songs are just incredibly catchy. Not sure when the album is FINALLY going to come out, but when it does I will certainly be first in line - and I've heard it on the grapevine that they are very good live, too, so I'm looking out for any headline tour dates of theirs that aren't 3 hours away from me, like the one that's coming up in Selby! Goddangit.

I'm also a big fan of their album artwork, not sure exactly why, I just think they really work;

So yes. Keep your eyes on these chaps....


Saturday, 13 November 2010

If I could be anyone right now......

... it would have to be Clémence Poésy.

She's one cool cat... n'est pas?

Sorry for - yet again - been gone so long. I'm home for the weekend and am currently looking over all my favourite blogs - YOURS if you're lucky.. haha - for the first time in a few weeks. I'll post again soon. Say hello in a comment if you want, that always makes my day, because I'm a sad soul like that.

HOW GOOD was misfits on thursday? Answer: Very.
HOW EXCITED am I for the first installment of Hazza Potts 7? Answer: ridiculously, ridiculously, ridiculously so. Anyone else as freakishly obsessed? Just me? ha....


Thursday, 4 November 2010

I'm done with my dying

ah, Johnny and Laura.
doesn't raw talent like this just give you a wee bit o' the shivers.
I love these two.
Isn't Johnny's voice absolutely flawless?
(Not to mention he's not half bad to look at, but I've mentioned that on here before a fair few times!)
I think I am going to go see him on the last date of his UK tour in Exeter in December, which is a VERY exciting prospect because I've never seen him live before! But I've heard excellent reports from all my friends who have. I've seen Lazza Marling a couple of times now, though, and she is equally as brilliant.

Watch the video right till the end because the way he says 'cool' after the song itself has finished sort of makes my heart melt!


ps. 'the water' is out now as a single! Show the boy some love. Plus it comes with a lovely B side, Chimney Sweepers, which I bought alone on itunes today since I already had the main track! Huzzah for London folksters. There's nothing quite like 'em.